Wedding dresses, veils, boleros and more

Internet Shop with Bridal Accessories and Wedding Dresses. 
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Shop rules

I. General

1. Internet Shop allows to shop via Internet.

2. Shop is owned by company

P.P.H. Mercator
Traugutta 111 71-300 Szczecin
Nip: 852-104-63-68
Regon: 810714043

3. Letter and reclamation address:

Traugutta 111 71-300 Szczecin

e-mail address:

4. Ordering and shopping on internet shop site means that You agree and accepts rules that are below on this site.

II. Orders

5. You can add items to Your basket simply by clicking "add to basket". If You have all items You can click button order to accept it.

6. Shop will realize only orders with necessary address data, existing, real and active email and Your real phone number.

7. You can make Your order also by phone in hours which are displayed on site "contact".

8. In case when Shop cannot realize order on time or there are any doubts about Your order Shop reserves the right to cancel or stop Your order. Shop will inform You about this as soon as its possible.

9. Orders without phone number and email address will not be realized.

10. Company P.P.H. Mercator reserves the right to stop orders if its needed.

11. Prices of products on are in PLN (polish site) and Euro (english site). Prices are in brutto value.

12. Company P.P.H. Mercator issues a receipt. If You would like to receive an invoice, use register site and fill Your Company data.

13. Shop delivers packages with international couriers company GLS. There is a possibility for personal reclaiming item on PPH Mercator Company address in hours (10 - 18)

14. Payment is accepted by money transfer on bank account. Bank Millenium, account number: 60 1160 2202 0000 0002 4858 2788

15. COD Payment is not available for foreign customers.

16. In case when customer would like to change colour or size of same product iti s possible. The only cost customer need to take is delivery cost.

17. Shop will realize all accessories orders like boleros, veils etc in 14 working days. Wedding Dresses order will be realized in no longer than a month time period.

18. Cost of delivery depends on a country. Please check our Shipping Pricelist.

19. Customer can make a reclamation in 14 days after receving a package. the reason of positive reclamation is itactness of product and receipt return.

III. Resigning from Order

20. Customer can resign from order from any reason in 14 days. (polish law: art. 7 ust.1 ustawy from day 2nd march 2000 y. about protecting consumers law and law changes about internet shopping from day 13 june 2014 y., UE directive 2011/83/UE).

Please note that english site prices are counted approximately by automated script

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